Sunday 9 November 2014

Student magazine- plan

What is the name of your magazine? What are the connotations of the name?

My masthead is going to be called 'Achieve'. The connotations of the masthead is  for students to reach their goals in life and work hard for the grades they want. Studying hard and concentrating on their chosen subjects will lead to success, and a sense of achievement.In addition to this, the masthead can also connote that nothing is impossible and that an individual can accomplish anything once they put their minds to it.

What will be your front cover story and how will you visualise this?

The cover story will be about what every student should do which is focusing on their chosen subjects and studying hard. This will be visualised by  the model sitting down , in front of them will be textbooks of different subjects, highlighters and post it notes  to show the importance of revision, reading and being organised in the way you study. The model will also be smiling to send out a clear message to  my target audience that staying positive will help with achieving your best.

Who is the target audience?

My target audience for this magazine is for both male and female college students who are 16-19 years of age. My target audience is specifically college students as they all want to achieve their best in school to pursue their dream career in the future.

What sort of shot will it be?( close up, mid shot, high angle?)

The shot of my main image will be a mid shot of the model looking directly at the camera. This will show that the model is giving direct address to the the reader.

What mise-en-scene will be required for the photography? (e.g. location, props,clothing)

- The model will be looking directly at the camera
- The model will be wearing the sixth form's uniform
- Their facial expression will be of them smiling 
- In front of the model will be textbooks
- A table for the textbooks,highlighters, pencil case to be layed out
- A chair for the model to sit on
- The location will be either the library or an open area around the school which is peaceful
- The lighting will be bright on the model to show that they are significant in portraying the whole concept of the magazine

What would be your headline and how will it match the main image?

The headline is going to be Dream, Believe, Succeed. These words are all positive and link well to the main image as it expresses the importance of taking college life seriously to succeed, fulfill their dreams and believe that anything is possible. This will also be shown through the models facial expression and the mise en scene used

What colour scheme do you want and explain why?

The colours i would like to use in my student magazine are navy blue, white, red, black and  grey because they are bold yet simple colours which  will attract the reader. I also think that the colours i have chosen will make the magazine look presentable. In addition to this, as my magazine is aimed at college students who are both male and female, the colours i have chosen is suitable for both genders.



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