Wednesday 19 November 2014

Student Magazine- Evaluation

What went well?
I personally think that my whole concept for a student magazine was a great idea. The photo I used for my front cover helped with giving the audience a clear image of what the magazine was about . The photo was bright and had sufficient lighting and therefore didn't come across as dark and gloomy.

Overall, I think for my first attempt at creating a magazine i have created a well constructed student magazine. Making this student magazine has taught me many things to consider when creating a magazine. I personally think that i gave it a good try and i am very pleased with the final outcome. I will now take the aspects that i think i didn't really do well in and make sure that my music magazine will be outstanding by making sure that everything i do is high quality work. As a whole i have thoroughly enjoyed making a student magazine and i am excited to move on and make a music magazine.

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